Contact us at Duncannon Smokehouse
Duncannon Smokehouse is part of our wholesale and retail premises on Wexford Street, New Ross, Co Wexford, Ireland where we produce Irish Smoked Salmon and Cold Smoked Trout.
Registered in Ireland No. 49299
Directors Kai Ronan & Lee Ronan
Duncannon Smokehouse Irish Smoked Salmon and Irish Cold Smoked Trout are premium, prestigious food products.
All of the fish are filleted by hand, which ensures minimal bruising and then pin boned by hand. The boned fillets are then dry salted for several hours. Our Irish Salmon, Trout, and Haddock are then transferred to racks and the smoking process begins. This can take between 7 and 12 hours. Once the smoking has been completed the fish are removed from the kiln and chilled.
Our Irish Smoked Salmon, Cold Smoked Trout, and Oak Smoked Haddock is available for resale to artisan retailers all over the world.
If you would like to stock our products in your shop please contact us directly and we will arrange to have samples of the products sent to you for tasting.
Duncannon Smokehouse products have a unique, delectable taste, very attractive packaging, and have been inspiring repeat purchases from loyal customers internationally since 1974.
Smoked Salmon and Cold Smoked Trout are also excellent gifts for special occasions and make unique corporate gifts.